Regio Venlo On Stage
‘On Stage’
The 'On Stage' project was first put on in the Dutch city of Delft in 2007. After that, On Stage was organized in other Dutch cities, such as in Venlo on 10 February 2015. The aim of this event is to familiarize pupils with different occupations by 'matching' them with professionals from the business world.
Dream jobs
1,050 pupils from seven different schools attending third-year pre-vocational secondary education (3 vmbo) took part in the second edition of this careers fair in Venlo. Before the event took place, pupils could tell the organizers what their dream job was. The On Stage team then brought in professionals from these areas. There was a whole spectrum of dream jobs, including tattoo artists, cardiologists, mechanics and lawyers. The side programme was put on by Dutch DJ, VJ, singer and presenter Lex Uiting. Project leader Petra Hendriks gives us an overview of Regio Venlo On Stage. 'There was a real party atmosphere. We rolled out the red carpet and played music whilst the pupils arrived. There was lots of chat and matches, and professionals from different sectors selected the best business cards that had been designed by the pupils themselves.'
Regio Venlo On Stage was put on by a project management team, with Onderwijsgemeenschap Venlo & Omstreken, a provider of tailored secondary education in Venlo, as the project organizer. The On Stage Teams were made of heads of department from five schools, team leaders, representatives from the regional training centre Gilde Opleidingen and representatives from the business world and government. Petra Hendriks explains, 'Munckhof took care of transport during the first and second editions of the event. The company arranged bus transport in order to get pupils from the school to the careers fair. During the careers fair at Seacon Stadion - De Koel -, the football club of Venlo, buses were parked alongside the red carpet so that pupils would immediately step onto the red carpet when getting off the bus. We have been working successfully with Munckhof for years now, which is why we chose to work with them for the event as well. Trust, punctuality and quality are all part of the added value we get from Munckhof. In 2016, Munckhof will organize the transport for On Stage once more - this time to Toverland theme park!'