International corporate travel
We can organize all international travel according to your own travel policy, including hotel accommodations, visas and taxi transport. And there's more. Our extensive reports and online dashboards give you a real-time overview of your corporate travel. In this way, Munckhof is committed to the success of your corporate travel needs. We offer everything you would expect from a professional mobility partner.
Always a suitable solution
Munckhof offers its clients an all-in international travel package. With close partnerships with airlines, hotel chains, car rental companies, visa suppliers and an extensive national and international network, we always meet your travel needs and requirements.
Personal contact with client teams
To guarantee the high quality of our services, we work with small, permanent client teams at local branches near you. Our multitude of local offices means we are always close to our customers. Your partner will serve as your fixed point of contact for corporate travel. They understand your travel needs and your company's procedures, which allows them to serve your organization as efficiently as possible.
We are available 24/7 whenever you need us
We understand that international business travel does not end when the workday is over. To best serve you both during and after office hours, Munckhof set up its own 24/7 standby service. Instead of connecting you to an external call centre, your trusted travel consultants are available 24/7 to help you and your passengers. This makes Munckhof the ideal 24/7 travel partner.
Technology facilitates travel
Munckhof wants to make it easy for clients to book trips. Several good examples include:
- the online booking tool AVA
- the travel dashboards and the extensive reports they generate
In terms of duty of care, the travel dashboard offers instant insight into the location of your travellers.
Focus on returns
We focus on helping you achieve your business mobility goals. And we want to take it one step further: with the innovative booking tool AVA you can book trips quickly and easily. Together, we will periodically analyse your organization's travel behaviour with the aim of increasing your returns.
A global network just for you
Munckhof is member of the global travel management network Reed & Mackay. The network consists of leading corporate travel agencies in more than forty countries worldwide who work closely to support and facilitate companies in their international corporate travel needs. As a valued client, we would be happy to share the benefits of our global network with you.